It’s so easy for me to say that art is powerful and life changing. It is and has been so important for for me. I’m greeted with great understanding from my artist friends. However, I know that not everyone will have experience of this or even agree with me! (What??)
So today I’m going to discuss with you one of the main ways art can affect your life.
Art is Powerful- It Lowers Your Stress
This is the biggee!
Did you know that just by looking at art, it lowers your body’s stress hormone- cortisol? I was quite taken aback when I read this. I’m in no doubt that creating art is calming and relaxing, but I was surprised that just by looking at it, it reduces your stress.
But then again why am I so surprised? When I think about all the times I’ve visited an art gallery, museum or exhibition, I’m always in a state of pure contentment. I suppose I thought it was the gallery atmosphere that induced that calming sensation. The quiet contemplation you find in these places is contagious after all.
However, I also feel this sensation when I look at an artist’s work on their website or on Instagram. And the art I have hanging on my walls – it all has a profoundly calming effect on me.
It has to be the art!
Looking at art keeps you focused on what’s there right in front of you. It is mindful and meditative. You can get lost in awe and wonder for quite some time just looking at art.
Art is powerful like that!
Why reducing your stress is SO important
More and more experts and great thinkers are understanding the mind- body connection. In other words, how our thoughts, attitudes and feelings have a direct and significant effect on our physical health and well-being.
We have been told for a long time that stress is linked to cardiovascular disease and respiratory problems not to mention its links to depression and anxiety. Who wants any of that?
But did you know this? This quote comes from Newport Academy :
Studies have also determined that stressful emotions decrease immunity by altering blood cell function. In one study, researchers found that stress diminishes white blood cell response to infected cells and cancer cells. In addition, when individuals are stressed, they heal more slowly and vaccinations are less effective.
It stands to reason then, that as art is so powerful – enough to lower your stress levels – it will bring you better health, happiness and healing. It makes sense to fill your world with art you love, right?
How to look at art and feel the power of it!
So I think we can all agree that stress is bad and art is great! Art is powerful!
But what if looking at or looking for art is stressful for you?! Eek! We definitely don’t want that.
But this is very real for some people. We’ve grown up thinking that art is for the elite. Many people feel they have to ‘understand it’ to like it. Some might feel that art is for other people not them. They might be full of self doubt and fear their decisions when investing in art.
So here are my 3 top tips to look at art for a stress free experience.
Top Tips for looking at and looking for Art
Look carefully at the art that grabs your attention and be curious. Ask yourself why you stopped scrolling to take a closer look.
What does it make you feel, think or remind you of? What drew your attention to it – the colour, the subject, the details the texture?
And know there are never any wrong answers to these questions.
Try out this experiment now with one of my most recent crow paintings:
Find out about the artist. Read their story, follow their journey on Instagram or Facebook. Sign up to their mailing list so you feel fully connected with the creator. (If you sign up to my newsletter today you get a free download of this beautiful barn owl – just saying!!y

In this way you get to know the artist’s values, artistic intentions and insights into their process. If you relate to the artist, chances are their art will speak to you in magical ways.
Make sure you find out the size of the painting. Is it a canvas? If on paper, will it be mounted or framed or both?
Check whether it is the right size to fill the space you require it for?
I know it sounds obvious, but how many times have you bought something only to find it’s a lot smaller or bigger than you thought?!
How long will it take to package and how long will it take to arrive – expedient shipping is often available upon request and at a higher cost so if it is needed for a special occasion, it’s worth an email to enquire. It will save you the time of trawling the internet AGAIN for the perfect artwork.
ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask the artist questions f you are unsure about anything.
So there you have it! Have a stress free experience with art! While you’re here, take a look at my art shop and try out my top tips – you’ll see they work!