Take a look at the different ways you can work with me –  All art courses and experiences aim to bring out and reclaim your inner wild woman

AND using the power of art to move through your emotional overwhelm and  self sabotage to step into your sovereign goddess shoes once and for all. 

The Art of Emotional Awareness – Art Journalling for Self Expression is perfect for the empath who is feeling the emotional overwhelm. Art Journalling is the best way to release your challenging feelings and feel the transformative and healing power of art.

The Wild Woman Creative Revolution is for you if you are craving a nurturing and creative community where you can explore, experiment and express yourself. It’s a safe place where you can let go of the ‘good girl’, create our own art rule, discover your true artistic voice whilst seeking you own raw truths. 

This heart-led art course teaches you how to deeply connect with your wild heart with visual journalling so that you can tap into your wildest dreams and desires and begin to make them happen. 

The Heroine’s Journey is my bespoke 1:1 course designed to take you from self sabotage to self mastery using a beautiful blend of  expressive art, storytelling and archetype wisdom. 

Book a Connection Call by emailing me: hellocreativiyt@sarahbowdenart.com