Let’s reflect and review!
As we transition from 2022 to 2023 I am thinking about Janus.
Janus (whose name of course gave us January), is the Roman god of new beginnings, doorways and transitions so it is only natural he comes to mind at this time.
He is a god with two faces. One looking backwards and one looking forwards. He inspires us to reflect on the past year and use this review to propel us forwards into the new year.
For me, this is what New Years are all about. In fact, I start my weeks and new months in a similar way. (Why keep it just for January when it’s so empowering?) So as I reflect and review and start to look forward and re-focus and re-connect…why don’t you do the same?

What was the single best thing that happened in 2022?
2022 started with the word ‘Courage’ – and I definitely got more courageous in 2022!
That’s the single best thing that happened to me.
I could talk about a customer buying 6 pieces of my art all in one go or the book illustration commission I had so much delight with…but without courage, these external things would not have happened
As I reflect and review, I realised very early on last year that I like to play it small if I can. I stick to my comfort zone for far too long. I place limits on my dreams. I stop myself from living my beautiful life. Why? Quite simply – Fear.
- Fear of failure.
- Fear of not being liked
- Fear of being found out
- Fear of making mistakes
- Fear of being too old, too fat, too arrogant, too much!
Oh the list is endless… I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
I share this with you because I now know that I’m not alone with this fear issue. And I meet more and more people whose fear sadly takes the driver’s seat in their journey through life.
Thinking Big! Acting Bold! Living My Beautiful Life!
Enough’s enough I thought back in January last year. And so I set about dreaming wildly, thinking big, creating a vision without limits and just going for it.
Oh yes! I stepped into the adventure zone and I started creating art collections with not an ounce of ‘who does she think she is?’ going through my head (well maybe just a little!)
But the fact is I didn’t listen to that irksome voice who tries to hold me back. I ignored him and expressed, experimented and extended my creativity beyond what I thought I was capable of achieving. And I have plenty more to offer!
When I painted my Guardian Angels in December I felt it all come together and I was feeling the vibrant vibrations of the creative goddess I always wished to be.
It was as if I was possessed by a creative power greater than myself.
So to summarise…the single best thing from 2022 was becoming a Big Bold Beautiful Bird with the empowering belief that my purpose is to create enchanting animals to inspire a deep connection with nature’s wisdom.
Now there’s a statement that gives me shivers!
So glad I chose to reflect and review my artist’s journey!
How about you? – what’s your single best thing that happened last year!!
What have I learnt from 2023...
Oh so much – always! I am learning all the time of course, but I shall pick out my top 5 lessons learnt from 2022.
- Everything is rigged in my favour – the Universe is working for me not against me.
- Daily gratitude is the most important practice for me to engage in. It keeps my thinking healthy and positive and it means I get to delight in the wonders this world offers to me on a daily basis.
- To trust that my angels and, in particular my Guardian Angel, is always there to protect, support and guide me. I just need to connect with them regularly and be open to receiving their magic.
- Colour, creativity and connection is my holy trinity and my purpose and passion.
- To ask for help and support when I need it – I do not have to do this alone.
Your turn now – what did you learn from last year? Share your reflections in the comments below!
Reflect and Review - Positive Intentions and Letting go...
In true Janus style, it is time to look forwards.
If 2022 was all about courage then 2023 is all about Freedom!
Yes freedom from the fear that holds us back. Freedom from those negative thoughts that keep us stuck. Freedom from clutter. Freedom from relationships that do not serve us. Freedom to create the life that we deserve.
This just about sums up my positive intentions! And I’m letting go of the limits of time that I impose on myself to achieve my intentions as I move into 2023.
Unsurprisingly, my first collection of this year is called FREEDOM! and will feature birds – the ultimate symbol of freedom as they glide, soar and ride the thermals up high in the vast sky. So watch this space lovely people as I share with you more on this as the weeks go on.
New art collection – Freedom – will be launched 1st February 2023. To keep up to date with all my collections, be sure to sign up to my newsletter.