Why Create Art

Why do I create art? Art is my medicine.  It has helped me heal from trauma.  It supports me to find calm amongst all the chaos. It is a natural way for me to express myself and explore possibilities.

Of course, different individuals will have very personal reasons for engaging in artistic expression and creating art. 

But, here are some common motivations and benefits why I create art:

  1. Self-Expression: Art provides a unique outlet for self-expression. It allows you to communicate thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a visual or tangible form that may be difficult to convey through words alone.

  2. Emotional Release: Creating art can be a cathartic process, enabling you to release and process emotions. It offers a way to explore and express feelings that may be challenging to articulate verbally.

  3. Communication: Art is a universal language that can transcend cultural and linguistic barriers. It enables individuals to communicate ideas, messages, and perspectives in a non-verbal way, fostering connections between people.Stronger Together - Owl Painting.  two whimsical owls stand on a branch holding wings. The colours are purples and pinks.  They have yellow eyes and yellow hearts float between them

  4. Exploration and Experimentation: Artistic endeavors often involve exploration and experimentation with various materials, techniques, and concepts. This process of discovery can be intellectually stimulating and contribute to personal and artistic growth.

  5. Therapeutic Benefits: Engaging in art can have therapeutic effects, promoting relaxation, stress relief, and mindfulness. Art therapy is a recognized form of psychological treatment that uses the creative process to improve mental well-being.Create art to relax like I did when I drew this goat with pencil. It is wonderful to see my sketches come to life and characters are reveled

  6. Aesthetic Enjoyment: Some individuals create art simply for the joy of aesthetic creation. The process of making something visually pleasing or interesting can be inherently rewarding.

  7. Storytelling: Art has the power to tell stories, convey narratives, and document experiences. It can be a way to capture moments in time, share cultural histories, or depict personal journeys.Special owl print- Earth Spirit Owl is whimsical and adorable owl painted in earthy autumnal tones of brown, deep red, orange and yellow ochre and dark blue. She holds a chanterelle mushroom in her wing.

  8. Personal Fulfillment: The act of creating art can bring a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Whether through the completion of a project or the mastery of a new skill, the creative process can contribute to a positive sense of achievement.

  9. Social Connection: Artistic activities often provide opportunities for social interaction and community engagement. Collaborative art projects, group exhibitions, and shared creative experiences can foster a sense of belonging.

  10. Reflection and Insight: Creating art can encourage self-reflection and provide insights into one’s thoughts, beliefs, and values. It can be a tool for introspection and personal development.

Ultimately, the reasons for creating art are personal and can vary widely from individual to individual. It’s a deeply subjective and enriching experience that allows people to explore, express, and connect with themselves and others in meaningful ways.

Why do you create art?

 Create art this year with the Sunday Sketch Club banner shows a close up of pencils drawing an eye.

If you crave any of the above and yet find art frustrating or it fills you with fear OR you love to draw, but your busy life stops you from creating, come and join The Sunday Sketch Club and make 2024 your year for art.

Doors are currently open and they close 6th January as we start 7th January 2024.

Click here to enrol as a founding member